Saturday, April 23, 2011


RN Program at Weber State University - DONE!

Graduation day - Joyous!

Graduating with Honors - a First for me :-)

Color - purple

Mascot - ??? oh, Wildcats

The surprise - the awesome banner my family made and held up when I walked and got my diploma (Ok, we all know that they don't actually give you your diploma - you get an empty diploma holder book, with a paper insert that says they will mail the real diploma in 2-3 months)


tracie said...

I am so proud of you. I still have nightmares about going back to school. You amaze me, neighbor.

Denise said...

Congratulations!! Wildcats, huh? That always makes me burst into song. "Wildcats in the house, everybody say it now..."

Deb said...

My kids said that I must have actually graduated from East High!

Amber Bonner said...

YAY! Congratulations Deb! You are amazing!

marshallmadness said...

Awesome! Congrats my friend. You worked so hard for this one. Way to Go!

Kristin said...

WOW!!! Congrats! That must be amazing to have done!! Way to go!

Linda said...

That is amazing! You are awesome!