Sunday, November 21, 2010

State Gymnastics Meet

So I know this really turns into a "look what my kids can do" blog...but there you are. I take my clan to lessons, performances, games, practices, and back home again. We spend a lot of "there and back" time in the car. So, occasionally, I share some. Aren't you glad?

Tiffany competed in the State Gymnastics meet last week. She was really excited and a little nervous. She learned through the season that she did better in the meet if she didn't know her scores on each event as she went along. That way, if she got a low score, it didn't throw her off.

She had a good, solid meet. Some scores were a little lower than we expected, but she took first place on floor, third place on beam, and 2nd place all around - for her age group - for the whole State!! Pretty exciting!

Now she moves up to level 6/7. Six is still compulsory - all the routines are the same. But she will also start working on her optional routines - the routines that are unique for each gymnast. She has this week off, but doesn't want to take it. She is really excited to get back in the gym and keep working...Monday through Friday....three and 1/2 hours each time. And she loves it!

Here are her beam , floor, and bars routines. The quality isn't great - what can you expect? I took them with my little camera, and the floor routine was through a glass window. It does give you the general idea though.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Stuck on you

My two girls and two cousins made up a dance. They auditioned and were chosen to perform in a Children's Danceworks concert at BYU. The music is awesome and the dance is fun. I tried to upload it, but apparently the three minute dance is too large to put on here...I'm not savvy enough to know how to get around that little upload rule. Sorry. Just trust me - it is AWESOME!! Thanks Mary! Here is a link to see it on YouTube!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New experiences...

SO, my oldest son got his first ticket. Speeding ticket. 30 points. $90. I must confess, I have never had a point. Don't really know what to do about the point thing. Can't afford the insurance already, much less with points. He will be going to traffic school...or whatever that thing is called. If it happens again, perhaps he can wait until he turns 18 to drive again. Only just over a year away. OR, better yet, perhaps he will learn his lesson, slow down, quit thinking that he is going "slow enough", and not get any more tickets or points. I like this plan the best.


I ran the Provo Halloween half-marathon on October 30th. It was horrible! I seriously (sort of) considered calling my husband to come pick me up half way through. It was from Aspen Grove to Provo Riverwoods. The first 5 miles was STEEP down hill. At about 4 1/2 miles in my quads were shot...only a measly 8.6 miles left to go. No problem! It was not pretty. It was not fun. But I must admit, I'm glad I got done (Oh yes, my poetic side is alive and well). So, I did not quit in the middle, I did walk some, and I WILL be ready for the Salt Lake half-marathon in April. (Some people are a glutton for punishment...I already signed up).