Floating in the salty lake is fun...

the salt brine eating gnats were gross...this is the small amount that had gathered in the first two minutes...I didn't realize it was a merely a small portion of the swarm that was to come...

The lovely spiders under the eves of the bathroom facility were...interesting...and apparently a social gathering spot for these fellows - there were at least 20, maybe more...

All in all, an adventure to be sure. We parked, we saw MANY spiders hanging out, walked about a mile across the sinking sand to get to the water, were assaulted by gnats that made a scattering sound as we walked through them, rising in a dark cloud, played in the water for 15 minutes, ate lunch for 15 minutes...after walking part of the way back toward the cars to escape the relentless gnats, and took the trek back to the spider infested bathrooms and parking lot. Truly a day that won't soon be forgotten :-)