Gibbons Family – 2008
Another year has come and gone. 2008 has been a wonderful year of opportunities and experiences for each of us. Here is a brief update of what we are up to.

Nathan is enjoying his work – being the director of the Provo
LDS Family Services agency takes a lot of energy, but he works with great people and is doing a wonderful job. He plays basketball two or three mornings a week at the church. He is currently the scout master in our ward, and loves camping with the boys (good thing!). Beyond that, he has enjoyed following
BYU sports closely, making it to the majority of the football games and many of the men’s and women’s basketball games.
Deborah has had a busy year. She started taking classes, working toward getting into a nursing program. If things go as planned, she will start her program in the fall. Outside of school, she has enjoyed serving in activity days, and helping on the enrichment board. With all of the children in school for a few hours each day, she has found that there really is no “extra” time, just lots to get done J She has continued to run, teach aerobics and yoga classes, enjoys teaching children’s dance at
BYU, and shuttles the kids here and there.

Cameron is tall, handsome, and a great brother. He played on some great basketball teams last spring and summer, and continues to improve. Being 6’3’’ at 14 years old is an added bonus. Getting the stomach flu the day of team tryouts was disappointing this fall, but he continues to work hard. Cam has been playing ball at the church in the mornings with Nathan with other men in the ward. School has been a good challenge, and 9
th grade is fun. He is looking forward to being 15 in January, and is hoping to get his drivers permit. He has great friends. He is looking forward to finishing off his eagle project this spring, and earning the rank of Eagle Scout. He is also hoping to get his braces off!

Jason turned 12 in November, and received the priesthood. He has enjoyed being involved in the Young Men program, and has done great with scouting. 7
th grade is going really well, and he was on the honor roll last term. He is on track to be on the high honor roll this term. Yea!
Jas is taking cello lessons and playing in orchestra. It is fun to listen to him practice. He is such a hard worker and a great brother.

Tiffany is 10, and is one busy girl. She competed in gymnastics again this year, doing really well. She was just moved up to level 5 and continues to work hard. Class is 3 days a week, for more than 2 hours each time. She also dances at
BYU, and is a lovely dancer. Tiffany tested into the advanced program for 5
th grade, and has enjoyed her challenging class. She continues to be a gifted writer and makes us laugh with her creativity.

Derek is 7 years old, and in first grade. He is a great reader, and has done really well in school this year. He started playing soccer in the fall, and we loved watching him get right in there, running fast, (laughing as he ran down the field) and making some great plays. He is such a happy boy, and his laugh is so fun.

Andrea is 5, and in kindergarten this year. She loves school, and has made a lot of friends. She is taking both gymnastics and dance classes, and seems to dance through each day. We enjoy her art projects, and she loves her dolls, stuffed animals and friends. She is a happy girl with a big imagination.

We had some good adventures this year, including going to Island Park and spending time at cookie Grandpa’s cabin, spending time at Grandma and Grandpa’s cabin just outside of Salt Lake City, traveling to Colorado to get Cameron’s braces tightened and visit dear friends, sledding, biking, rollerblading, running together, delivering phonebooks for a family job, repairing the house after Tiffany's heel went through the side of the FULL bathtub upstairs, mowing a huge “Y” in the front lawn (
ok, Nathan did that one), playing games together, getting sick together (influenza A – nasty stuff!), enjoying family gatherings with extended family, and loving time with just our family. We feel so blessed, and are so grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives! We truly feel that life is sweet, and we look forward to the opportunities of the coming year. We love you, and hope next year is a happy one for us all!